Why Does Our Solar System Have No Super-Earths, and Other Questions for Comparative Planetology

Before the explosion in discovery of extrasolar planets, the field of comparative planetology was pretty limited  -- confined to examining the differences between planets in our solar system and how they may have come to pass. But over the past quarter century, comparative planetology and the demographics of planets came to mean something quite different.  …

Many Planets Form in a Soup of Life-Friendly Organic Compounds

One of the more persuasive arguments in favor of the potential existence of life beyond Earth is that the well-known chemical building blocks of that life are found throughout the galaxy.  These chemical components aren't all present in all examined solar systems and planets, but they are common and behave in ways familiar to scientists …

Strong Doubts Arise About the Reported Phosphine Biosignature in the Atmosphere of Venus

What started as a stunning announcement that the chemical phosphine -- a known byproduct of life -- had been found in the clouds of Venus and could signal the presence of some lifeform has now been strongly critiqued by a number of groups of scientists.   As a result, there is growing doubt that the finding, …

Elegant Image of Icy Disk Around The Young Fomalhaut System

An international team of astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has made the first complete millimeter-wavelength image of the ring of dusty debris surrounding the young star Fomalhaut. This well-defined band of rubble and gas is likely the result of comets smashing together near the outer edges of a planetary system 25 light-years from …

Elegant Image of Icy Disk Around The Young Fomalhaut System

An international team of astronomers using the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) has made the first complete millimeter-wavelength image of the ring of dusty debris surrounding the young star Fomalhaut. This well-defined band of rubble and gas is likely the result of comets smashing together near the outer edges of a planetary system 25 light-years from …